วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Why choose smf.

For a fixed link basic HTML is inevitable or not, it might come a little more brief. Use a little shortcut. The web applications such as Edith Signs frontpage dreamweaver enough to do with the templates and other experts. Now, most will have a problem with a database Amooea (database).

cms smf is another task, but focus on Community. Is social in nature Forum - A bulletin board.

Web Forum has a lot to choose from. Why then use this SMF (Simple Machines Forum) is a free web board or forum Forum categories suitable for adaptation to the forum and much more. There are several types of multiple looks.

When installing new SMF. All file systems and databases together less than 10 MB if the cut does not only out to approximately 5MB SMF requested to do so much customization and flexibility. Especially those who have some basic html to be able to adjust very well.
SMF themes to choose from a lot. Extra modules including many English SMF multi Forum for their support jackpot question - answer the problem.

